Postpartum Must-Haves (for Mom and Baby)

I cannot believe Max is one month old already. Where does time go? As I reflect on this month, there were so many things that I forgot about that are essential for this postpartum period from my first postpartum with Oliver and a few things I learned about this time around that are absolute must-have items. Therefore, I created a little list for you of things I used for healing after birth and breastfeeding.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if you think I missed a must-have product. I am always here to try and help the best I can, while also learning from all of you!

Things for Mom

  • Magnesium Supplement- great for loosening stool to help with the dreaded first bowel movement
  • Larken Bra- Kate from Bumblebaby introduced me to this bra for pumping. When I bought it, I was skeptical with the minimal fabric and the price tag; but it is amazing. I bought two more within the first week of trying to establish my milk supply! Not only does this bra allow you to be hands-free while pumping, it is also comfortable against the tender/engorged area. One trick I found was to actually put my ice pack in between the two layers of fabric when I needed some relief in those first few days.
  • Wishgarden Herbal Remedies AfterEase tincture- My midwife recommended that I have a bottle of this on hand for after-birth cramps. I didn’t remember cramping being so bad after having Oliver, but they were much more consistent

    Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

    Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

    and bothersome this time around. I took this tincture about 3-4 times over a few days and my cramping almost instantly subsided. This stuff works!

  • Depends- I find these to be way more comfortable than wearing pads in my underwear.
  • Peri bottle- for post-pee. Since you won’t be able to wipe after birth for a while, having a bottle and filling it with room temp water is a super helpful alternative. The one I linked is the best!
  • Large Water Bottle – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • Haakaa Manual Breast Pump - this is a MUST for the first month or two! You put it on the breast you aren’t nursing from, and it catches all the extra milk that leaks. It’s crazy how much milk you end up getting this way to add to your freezer stash.
  • Placenta Encapsulation Pills- The thought of eating my placenta totally freaked me out, but after doing some research and getting lots of encouragement from my midwife, I decided to give it a try this time around. I really have to say that I noticed such a difference with my postpartum mood compared to my first postpartum experience and I really think it was due to these bad boys. While there are many herbalists who can do placenta encapsulation, I linked my favorite. She really takes placenta encapsulation seriously, provides information about the benefits of encapsulation for postpartum women, as well as offers different options for encapsulation (I didn’t even know this was a thing!). I’ve had friends in the past who didn’t get dosing information and felt like it affected them when they ran out of pills, but Jess gives very detailed instructions and is there to support you.